Now remove the battery cables by removing the negative cable first. You can identify the positive and negative leads of the charger supply cable by using a multimeter. Pin On Car Is the risk of a spark real only with chargers that use more than 7-8ish ampere. . The red cable is the positive charge and should be clamped to the opposite side where the positive of the battery. Make sure the charger is off. All as far as I know modern cars use negative ground systems so the outer negative body is vehicle ground and positive center is battery. Connect the alligator clips. The center pole deep inside the bottom or back of the outlet is the positive pole while the metal shell or metal clips inside the socketon the sides of the outletform the negative pole. Its a serious problem in protection circuit of switchgear. Connect the positive Red cable from the charger to the positive post of the battery. Look for the mi...
Kemudian panaskan minyak dan tumis bahan yang di blend tu. Salad merupakan jenis makanan yang terdiri dari campuran sayur-sayuran dan bahan-bahan makanan siap santap. Puding Buah Sirup Jeruk Youtube Yang penting mesti ada bahan utamanya iaitu minyak sapi susu cair dan bawang. . Gaul hingga rata dan bersalut. Ikan siakap Ikut korang nak guna berapa ekor Daun Ketumbar 5-6 biji lada nak pedas boleh letak lebih 4 Bawang putih 1 biji lemon Sedikit garam dan gula Sedikit minyak untuk menumis Cara buatnya. First time pulak tu. Pastikan badam dibakar terlebih dahulu. Resipi Puding Roti Bersos Ni Mudah. Kesimpulannye saye baru lepas makan n saye puji masakan sendiri. Assalamualaikum Kak Azie saye baru try buat hari ni. 1283 Followers 396 Following 26 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Abdou A. Kalau zaman zaman dulu di kampung saya bila kenduri hanya dihidangkan nasi putih tapi ada masa dihidangkan juga n...
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